About Me

Welcome! Firstly I want to you thank you for visiting the site, I really hope to make this place a go-to source for simple, easy to make but most importantly effective natural remedies.

Just to introduce myself, I'm Maggie and I live in Sydney Australia. My interests include reading, writing, video games (addicted to Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney and Zelda, but I also enjoy Fantasy RPG's and Hack and Slash too), cooking, eating (a lot more than cooking) and travelling. Oh did I mention I like video games? :p

About The Site

Firstly I wanted to make it clear that this is not a site that is dedicated to everything natural and I’m not trying to push everything natural because I am not a doctor and I don’t have the authority to advise you otherwise. My theory is that incorporating more natural and/or homemade remedies into your lifestyle will bring so many benefits.

Why did I get so hooked on trying to discover all these homemade remedies?

This anecdote is taken straight from my soon to be released book, which explains how it all happened. 

"When I was 12 years old I went on a cherry picking trip with my parents up in Orange, New South Wales. I was looking forward to it all week: a beautiful hot day with some fresh hand-picked cherries to enjoy afterwards. I was a kid so naturally my parents had to nag me to put on sunscreen, but this time I had only put on a thin layer.

The fruit picking trip lasted about 3 hours, outside in the hot 30C heat. I felt fine and did not peel so naturally I thought I had gone out unscathed - I was ever so wrong. That night my whole face was bright red and ridiculously itchy, I was itching like there was no tomorrow. That trip was the first time I discovered I had eczema, the skin condition that has plagued me to this day. Annoyingly enough, no one else in my family has it, and to this day that is still the case, me being the black sheep with the sensitive skin.

It has taken me years to control my eczema and I can safely say that I have a skin routine that suits my skin type perfectly but I still need to be super careful. In fact that is the reason why I started embarking on this journey, was to find cost effective solutions to improve my skin: I was sick of spending tens and hundreds of dollars on products that I was allergic to. I get severe eczema when I am sun-burnt where I will have itchy and pox-like skin. I am also allergic to several face creams, of which I am not sure which particular ingredient I am allergic to, it is still a mystery. It was frustrating me to no end, I was at a loss, losing confidence in myself about my sensitive skin. 

My life changed the day I discovered oil facials. I won’t go into detail what I use as everybody has different skin sensitivity but I found that my skin felt smoother, softer and happier, and it wasn't putting dents in my wallet. I didn't go on the natural remedy bandwagon straight away, sticking to purely oil facials, until the ‘joys’ of working full time convinced me to look for alternative ways to improve my health."

Why rely on all these chemical laden drugs, creams and lotions when there may be no redeeming qualities to help you achieve what you are trying to achieve?

At the same time I don’t think its necessarily a wise idea to throw out everything in your medicine cabinet and replace them with a bunch of essential oils. 

What I’m trying to say is it is a matter of balance: it is not a good idea to be too dependent on something when there are heaps of other perfectly effective and safer ways that can do the same thing and vice versa. For example, is it such a good idea to always run and get paracetamol every time you get a headache? 

Being reliant on them, in my personal opinion, is terrible because every time you get a headache, you immediately take one, and not even think of doing something more natural or safer to get rid of it. 

Sure there are some times when you just need to take one and it does the trick but I think there are many occasions where you don't always need to rely on those pharmaceutical concoctions to remedy your problem.

The answers you seek can be in your very own pantry and this blog is my own journey of my personal discoveries. I will not only share my personal remedies that I swear by, but I will also discuss popular natural remedies that did not work for me.

Why My Site Is Unique

For the remedies that I personally recommend, I will do something that I believe is severely lacking when it comes to a lot of touted natural and/or homemade remedies: scientific research.

Whilst I love trying out new things, I also got frustrated at how many weren't effective, and in some cases made the problem worse. So I wanted to take a new approach and actually understand the said ingredient's effectiveness.

Instead of taking a site or article's word for it, I would scour medical journals and encyclopedias to see what research had been done on the said ingredient.  

Every single remedy that I recommend will have been scientifically proven to work. This will also be the same for my upcoming books which are a result of my research.

I don't intend for this site to be a blog per say but I only will put relevant and useful information. And since these remedies that I encourage are essentially timeless, I want to keep it simple and easy for you to do, so that you can repeat them time and time again.

For Your Information

THIS SITE NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. I do not take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. 

I want to stress that I am not a doctor in any way, shape or form and I am not giving out medical advice here. Whilst the remedies I recommend have worked for me, everybody is different and I cannot account for any allergies, sensitivities or intolerance's you may have. 

If you do decided to try out any of these remedies, please try a sample first to see if you have any adverse side effects, especially if it is something you are ingesting or putting directly onto your skin.

Fortunately for your wallet, these remedies are cheap and if they do not have the intended outcome you seek, they can be easily used in other ways so it is not a complete waste. For example if you are quite allergic to having direct lavender oil on your skin, you can still use it throughout the house in air sprays or cleaners. Nothing should go to waste!

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